Village of Toconao (Atacama Desert) and Wine Tour

I could spend hours talking about the Vine Tour into the Desert. How often do you have an opportunity to taste the wine in one of the driest places on earth? With all grapes growing with the power and resources of nature and the man working together?

The magic happens in a small village, a few kilometers from San Pedro de Atacama, in north of Chile. The village of Toconao.
It’s a result of a cooperative project deep within the Atacama Desert by a few local entrepreneurs (they are all related to Atacamenho culture and heritage). The wines released from the highest vineyard (above 2.400 meters above sea level) are even more special because they are produced in small scale quantities for commercialization and from the 25 entrepreneurs who form this project, you can get a variety of different wines because of the unique recipe of each one. 

Cabernet, Merlot, Sauvignon, Shiraz…I never tasted something like that before and you can really imagine how different it is to taste wine from a grape that was subjected to dry season, waiting for 25 days for the irrigation to come, burned by the desert sun, and fighting the cold nights of this extreme climate. It’s a really unique experience.

Wilfredo was the master guide of our tour with Ayllu Agency and he was responsible for the introductory lectures that we had about these amazing wines. And of course the best part was at the end of the tour, when we could taste the wines just as the sun was starting to set.

Lets go to the Photos and Video of the day:


Eu tive a honra de fotografar uma vinicula no meio do Deserto do Atacama. Essa vinicula feita em cooperativa por 25 empresarios todos com descendencia Atacamenha, conserva os vinhos com os sabores mais exoticos que ja provei em minha vida. 

Imaginar que todas aquelas uvas crescem no meio da seca, das condicoes climaticas onde ha noites com temperaturas baixas, sol a queimar durante o dia  e agua que chega a cada 25 dias para que o trabalho de irrigacao seja feito so me faz pensar o quanto a natureza encontra sua forma para florescer a beleza e o sabor!

Wilfredo foi o nosso querido guia, neste tour feito pela Agencia Ayllu Atacama. Wilfredo nos contou toda a historia, desde o comeco da construacao, da plantacao, do cultivo, da rotulacao, dos barris de armazenamento e da comercializacao dos vinhos. 

Se me perguntassem qual eh o sabor e o aroma destes vinhos provados - na ocasiao do tour eu provei 3 ! Todos bem distintos  - considerando a posicao climatica e o solo ; eu diria que eh sao vinhos encorpados, , com gosto unico,  bastante tanino e sabor frutado. 

O ponto alto foi a degustacao em pleno por do sol.

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