January 19, 2015Itzel
I spent an afternoon with her and seeing her smile made me remember Brazilian song by an amazing talented singer Elis Regina.
Itzel comes with a beauty that shines through you. Her origin is from Mexico and you can see part of the history that she is carrying through her ancient people with her soft skin color, her hazel hair, and her dark eyes fading in her beautiful smile. Itzel is like a sun for me. Her energy is so advanced that without any explanation I found a sea shell under the branch that we were using as a backstage for our session. And what a special session it was. A friendship was born…
Passar a tarde com Itzel naquele verao, signficou muita coisa para mim. Era como se diante do seu sorriso e dos teus olhos, eu pudesse ver e sentir toda a ancestralidade que ela carregava. Uma menina cheia de paz, de alegria, de energia. Nossa conexao foi tamanha (conexao entre nos e entre a natureza), ao ponto de eu ter encontrado uma concha do mar, do nada no meio da floresta, entre as arvores que fotografavamos.
Daquele dia em diante, uma amizade foi selada. No mais a unica coisa que me veem a cabeca olhando as fotos de Itzel, eh a musica de Elis Regina.