
  1. Fall Session at Morton Arboretum

    2018-11-24 01:43:30 UTC
    My best friend came all the way from Brazil to spent sometime with me during fall season. I have had the opportunity to one more time be able to capture moments for her - now with her own family <3. Made me so happy see her son exploring all those…

  2. Pos-Wedding Session In San Pedro de Atacama - Chile

    2018-08-06 05:23:00 UTC
    Juliana and Augusto, both from Brazil met me in Atacama past year we went to Lascar Volcano. They are together for 12 years and we did a session after their own wedding that happened 2 weeks prior their trip so when we met they were in a kind of a…

  3. Maternity Milk Bath

    2018-07-29 03:50:10 UTC
    In a morning of a winter day, I came to Alicia’s house to celebrate motherhood in a different way. The femininity of Alicia in purple colors and flowers opened up for me.

  4. Jax’s Baby Shower

    2018-07-21 03:50:12 UTC
    A Mexican Baby Shower for the little star Jaxith! Mom Silvia dressed in a gorgeous (off course) blue lace dress. A lot of family and friends got together to celebrate the special day.  It was really beautiful to see everyone get along to help setting up the party and making…

  5. Studio 383

    2018-01-03 19:00:08 UTC
    Tive a grande honra de passar uma tarde no Studio de uma querida amiga brasileira e pude assim registrar um pouco da rotina de um salao, do movimento do deixar se embelezar. _____________________________________________________ One full day at a beautiful hair salon in Brazil

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